• Family Notes

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January 16th - NO SCHOOL (MLK Holiday)

January 25th - Parent Association Meeting

January 30th - Unified Tutorials Begin (more info to come for those required to attend!)

February 1 - ACE Meeting (5-6pm)

February 24th - Black History Month Market at West (more info to come!)

February 25th - Parent Association Meeting

Parent Association Meeting on Wednesday, 1/25! 

Join Ms. Marquez and Ms. Lewis, our family engagement leaders, in our first meeting of the year! We will mingle with other parents and talk about how you can help out in upcoming events. We are hoping for this first meeting to be more of a mingle!

Both Ms. Lewis and Ms. Marquez will provide refreshments and snacks - feel free to bring anything to the party! To make sure we have enough for everyone and to know how many people will attend, please sign up here: https://forms.office.com/r/TvAK1hPs8G


NG Coding on Report Cards for 18+ Unexcused Absences

On report cards of students in grades 9-12 on Jan. 6, there may be a new notation "NG" that hides a student's grade due to having 18 or more unexcused absences in that course.   Students who receive NG grades may not be failing the course; instead, they failed to meet expanded state attendance requirements, so they will not receive a grade until that course is recovered.  HB 5, an updated regulation passed by the Texas Legislature, outlines standards for promotion and graduation to include attendance.

The school considers students who miss more than 10% of class time as "excessive, unexcused absences" by the school. Although YES Prep will assign and record grades, they will not be awarded to students who have excessive absences until the student recovers the missing seat time.

The student may correct this issue by repeating the course, attending credit recovery, or completing attendance recovery.  The campus attendance committee can also be contacted in cases where extenuating circumstances exist.  More information on enrolling in credit recovery or attendance recovery will be released in February. If parents or guardians have any questions regarding attendance recovery in the Spring, they may contact the campus Director of Student Support (DSS).


Legacy Clinic: Meet Your Providers


Student Assistance Forms

We know that you may have some needs that arise as a parent, guardian, or student. You can receive direct help by submitting a “Student Assistance Form” or, a SAF. To communicate any support needs you may have, please click on the SAF link on the district website or use the QR code below. A campus Student Support Counselor will follow-up with you to determine the best way to get your need met. SAFs can be submitted for:

  • Urgent family concerns
  • Family or student supplies or resources needed for school (i.e. uniforms, calculator, books, food)
  • Student social and emotional concerns
  • Student home or family concerns
  • Student relationship concerns
  • Concerns about harassment, race, or equity

Weekly Attendance Update

Students are marked absent for the day if they arrive to school after 9:15 AM. Students should be in their 1st period classrooms when attendance is taken each day.

Please remember that students can entire the building as early as 8:00 AM and are considered tardy after 8:30 AM.

This week, we had on average 77 kids absent each day. Our goal is to have less than 40 kids absent each day.

Please help our students get to school every day on-time so that we can do our part to prepare them for success.

Our ADA goal = 96%

Our current ADA = 93.3%

Basketball Game Days

1/20, 1/24, 1, 26, 1/27, and 1/31


Soccer Practice




  • Family Notes

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